
De Betere Basisschool

To ensure that a school functions well, it's necessary for the foundation to be in order and for the organization to be solid. To achieve this, JazzSingel has followed the trajectory of the "Betere Basisschool" (Better Primary School). In late March 2020, the school received the certificate. From that moment on, we are a certified Better Primary School. More information can be found under the 'De Betere Basisschool (CED-groep)'.

KMN Kind & Co (Out-of-school care and toddler center)

Within JazzSingel, we collaborate with our childcare partner, Kind & Co. Kind & Co provides toddler care (formerly known as a preschool) and after-school care in our building. The after-school care includes both before-school and after-school care. The school and Kind & Co work closely together. This collaboration is characterized by shared values like the Peaceful Approach, a seamless transition of children from toddler care to school, and cooperation in offering after-school activities. Kind & Co's childcare services are located on the ground floor and are exclusively for children from JazzSingel. More information can be found here.

Foundation Kopa 

Kopa emphasizes that creativity is more than just creating something beautiful. It also involves thinking outside the box, making connections, and seeing possibilities. The essence of creativity, according to Kopa, is daring to try, being allowed to fail, and from there, generating new ideas. Creativity is both the foundation of activities and a goal in itself, serving as a means to an end. Kopa firmly believes that experiencing your own creativity generates tremendous power, teaching you to think in terms of possibilities and encouraging you to shape your own life. This aligns with the vision. Kopa enhances our education. More information can be found here.

The Peaceful School

The schol has been a Paceful School from its establishment. The Peaceful School is an approach in the socio-emotional domain focused n democratic citizenship. Together with The Better Primary School, the Peaceful School forms the foundation upon which everything is built. More information can be found under the 'Peaceful School' section.